Little William arrived
/SIMS '13
/A student from LLU during the medical brigade
The dental and medical Students from Loma Linda University, CA, along with Dr. Tom Wieg and his family spent their New Year Holidays attending more than two hundred patients in the dental clinic and the remotes villages that they visited, El Dorado, La Fe and Los Caminos.They also participated in our celebration for the new year. Thank you so much LLU students for putting your energy, talents and love for our People in Honduras! We greatly appreciate it!
One Nation One Day
/This past Sunday 2000 Missionaries from the United States arrived to spread the love and good news of Jesus Christ through all 18 Departments (a political division like States or Counties) of Honduras. Some are evangelists and teachers, but most are here to minister with hands and hearts to the health and needs of the people, as they unite in prayers of faith to intercede for Honduras. Groups of local pastors, health professionals and students have been organized and assigned to work with those who arrived on Sunday. One Nation One Day Centers are set up in the largest educational institutions in each departmental capitol, bringing hope to this country which is said to have the highest homicide rate in the world. The principle objective of the initiative is to rescue youth who are being coerced by gangs into a life of delinquency. Violent gangs and trans-national crime have stirred up high anxiety among the Honduran people. Please join us as we pray for the climax of this effort which will be held on July 20th.
Found by the Angels
/Maria de Los Angeles (Mary of the angels) is a fitting name for this young woman – the single mother of two boys, ages 6 and 15 - who probably did not imagine that her life could change so much from one day to the next. Thanks to some “angels” disguised as physicians who showed up in a medical team in the small mountain community where her mother lives, Angela received a second-chance at life in May 2012. First examined by Dr. Gretchen Whisenant of the CTMC medical team, Angela explained she had seen many specialists and had undergone multiple tests and all assured her she did not have a chance to live long because of thyroid cancer that had spread and grown throughout her neck and upper chest. Dr. Gretchen’s husband, Dr. Dewey Whisenant, envisioned this young mother having a good prognosis if she could have the appropriate treatment and together the Whisenants came up with a plan to support Angela in fighting for her life. With the assistance of PAHS and Central Texas Medical Center a team of volunteers from the CTMC May Mission Team put together a larger support system to have Angela travel to San Marcos, TX for a life-saving surgery. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to witness this miracle.
Central Texas Medical Center - a blessing for Honduras
/The Central Texas Medical Center (CTMC) arrived with a well organized Medical Team for the second time this year in October 2012. Teaming up with PAHS/Servicio Panamericano de Salud, they treated over 1,500 people during the week in four communities: San Antonio de Cortés, Concepción del Sur, Canculunco and Peña Blanca. The 18 professionals that made up this team traveled back to their homes in Texas happy to have had an experience of serving those in need and making new friendships.
Our mission in August
/Three new little patients have been admitted to our Nutritional Rehabilitation Center during the month of August. Without a doubt they will recover from the fight they are waging against the malnutrition that has stolen their health, and they are a reminder that makes us anxious to find more little ones in need of support for their fight against hunger. Two of the children are siblings Cindy and Jesus, ages 4 and 2 years respectively; they are from one of the poorest areas in our country and a place in which malnutrition is still rampant. Our third little patient is Michael, 2 years old, who is from a nearby town close to Lake Yojoa. Soon we will see their smiles emerge; please keep them in your prayers as they reach this milestone of recovery from malnutrition.
Medical and Construction Team from Oklahoma
/Dear friends from the Crossings Community Church, in Oklahoma, USA came to our campus to give of their construction and medical talents to the community. Working together with Heart for Honduras, they hosted a medical clinic on our campus for a day and then went out to different communities nearby during the week. Their construction team worked on the building that will house our Nutritional Rehabilitation Center soon. Our deep gratitude goes out to the team for their great help in furthering our mission to bring health care to our communities!
Anna Garrett Volunteers
/Nursing student, Anna Garrett of Ohio, spent one month of her vacation time blessing our children and assisting our staff with her nursing skills and expertise in the Casita Feliz. Anna first visited our campus with a local organization Heart for Honduras and she felt called to give of her time to our children. She has been a wonderful and very valuable support to our staff and to our recovering babies who benefited from both her medical expertise and her kind company.
Saving one life at a time
/Weighing in at 5 pounds at the age of 20 days old, tiny baby Axel showed us his fighting spirit and desire to hang on to life. Although born to a 14 year-old mother who does not have sufficient milk supply to feed him adequately he remains feisty and was hungrily drinking down the rice water mix that his grandmother prepared for him. Thank God that he now has the support he needs and is recovering from the rough start in life with the help that his young mother is receiving from our Nutritional support program.
Serving the Honduran people with love
/Central Texas Medical Center of San Marcos, Texas organizes two medical mission team trips per year. At PAHS we feel fortunate to be able to host this marvelous group of professionals who during this trip gave attention to 1,075 patients in 4 different communities. Neither rain, nor mud, nor poor mountain roads were able to deter the service-oriented spirit of each member of this determined medical team from their mission of delivering medical attention to needy villages. We are deeply grateful for their service to our fellow Hondurans!
Rescuing the children of Honduras
/We have been greatly blessed to have the presence of our very own pediatrician, Dr. Gary Harding and his loving wife, Ouida, with us for three weeks. Dr. Harding, with the support of Nurse Suyapa and volunteers Rachel and Lauren, visited several remote mountain communities whose inhabitants live in extreme poverty with the intention of seeking malnourished children in need of the rehabilitation services offered by PAHS.The rescue missions proved fruitful as three little ones are now part of our Nutritional Rehab program as a result of these rescue missions. It is impressive to witness Dr. Harding’s great desire to save starving children from hunger and from misery along with his staunch commitment to seeing them healthy.
Andrews University Nutrition Department
/Nutrition students from Andrews University, under the direction of Dr. Winston Craig, did gathered data on the diets of our children on campus as well as children in neighboring communities. Their objective is to determine the nutritional value that children are taking in with their current diet. This group of students stayed with us for one week, not only helping out on our campus, but also assisting in nearby communities to help people learn about subjects regarding health and nutrition. Thank you Andrews University!
UPDATE: Little Rony is recovering after surgery
/Four days ago little Rony was brought to PAHS suffering from a respiratory problem
Read MoreLittle Rony is recovering after surgery
/Little Rony Rodriguez a 8 months old baby was admitted yesterday with a breathing difficulty...
Read More70% of children are born underweight in Honduras
/According to the Ministry of Health of Honduras, 70 percent of Honduran children are born with low weight caused by lack of nutrients absorbed by their mothers during pregnancy.Sourse: El Heraldo
Rotary Club of Lions' ophthalmic Brigade
/The Rotary Club of Lions, based in San Pedro Sula and through their ophthalmologic Hospital conducted a brigade in the PAHS' Campus to serve more than one hundred people, most of them elderly people who receive a test and lenses at a very low cost. Our children and youth also received attention, and some of them got their first pair of glasses. We thank the young Rotarians for their willingness and cooperation in our efforts to bring health to the needy.
Following the example of Jesus
/“We are pleased to have spent this week with you here in Honduras, helping all our brothers and sisters who needed medical attention”, this were the words of Karen Morris, leader of the medical group - missionary of San Marcos, Texas.
Read MoreAndrews University Nutrition Team Arrive
/Dr. Winston Craig and the students of the Nutrition Department from Andrews University in Michigan gave us nightly presentations about caring for our bodies
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