Saving Lives from Malnutrition

By providing medicine and nutritional rehab for children under the age of 5, we help vulnerable families save their young children from serious illness and death.

Educating for a Brighter Future

Education is an integral part of our fight against malnutrition. At PAHS we believe providing education is the long-term solution to break the cycle of poverty and improve the lives of children and adults.

Service Opportunities

We offer life-changing service experiences to professionals, students, and families. We believe those who give of themselves with a cheerful spirit will be rewarded just as those they serve.


Minor benefited

Children's Nutrition Program

Children under 5 years directly benefited


Trained Youth

Technical Vocational Education

Certified Training with the Honduran Government


Families Benefited Directly

Outpatient Nutrition and Community Health

Internal and External Consultation



“If every man would mend a man, the whole world would be mended.”

~ Favorite saying of PAHS founder Dr. Stephen Youngberg